30 minutes a day

Today I found myself busy beyond being able to work on pawn. One of those things where you REALLY want to buckle down and do some work, but the rest of your life is like a boss fight.

I have a rule, when I'm working on a project: 30 minutes a day. even if it's just 30 minutes of looking through assets and reading through code.

Even if I don't actually get anything done, taking 30 minutes to keep my mind fresh on the next step has saved me from losing my place. I also know if I go several days not looking at the project, I get more and more likely to not finish it.

The cool part of this rule is that 30 minutes a lot of times can turn into several hours, and can propel you forward in your project when you had lost motivation.

Don't give up, and keep pushing. You'll get there eventually.

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